Welcome to Puffin Class Blog

This is the page that you can visit to keep updated on the children's learning. Make sure you come back each week to see the learning opportunities that the children have been taking part in.

Summer Week 4

This term in art we have been looking at Monet. We have focused in on how he observed and painted nature for a lot of his artwork. This week we made use of watercolour paints and pencils to put our artistic skills to the test to recreate a photo of the school field. We made sure to try and channel our inner Monet whilst we completed our artwork. The results were astonishing and as a class we were very pleased with ourselves. 

Congratulations to Kaitlyn for getting the Headteachers Award this week!

Summer Week 3

This Wednesday, Puffin and Owl Class went to the Wellcome Genome Campus near Cambridge.

Everyone thought the trip was very interesting and informative. One child even went on to say that they thought it was the best school trip we have ever been on. We all had an amazing day and learnt lots about DNA and the Darwin Living Tree Project. Thank you to Miss Oliver, Mrs O'Brien and Mr Williams for giving up their time to help on the trip.

Congratulations to Frankie for getting the Headteachers Award this week!

Summer Week 2


This week we have been busy working hard on our persuasive writing skills, statistics and even channelling our inner Monet when sketching the nature around us.


On Friday Puffin Class, alongside Owl Class, were lucky enough to have a visit from Shannon with Fab Science. We got to witness a variety of exciting experiments that sparked our curiosity, with some members of the class saying it was one of the best lessons ever. What a way to end the week!

Congratulations to Emily for getting the Headteachers Award this week.

Summer Week 1


Welcome back to the summer term, I hope you all had a relaxing break! We have had a busy first week back, starting our new topic on Space and our new class text ‘Cosmic’. As a part of our topic on space the class have been given a chart to record the phases of the moon each night for 28 days. The data will be used in a science lesson later on during the term. Thank you in advance for assisting in the completion of this.

Congratulations to Christopher for getting the Headteachers Award this week.

Spring Week 11


This week, Puffin class went on a class trip to Daws Hall Nature Reserve with Owl class. We had a great day exploring the river Stour, using out expertise from our class topic (rivers and mountains) to make a range of observations. We overall had a really great day!

On Thursday we were fortunate enough to have Roots to Food come in and teach us a delicious Greek meal. We practiced a range of cookery skills and the hard work paid off giving us a tasty plate of food in return.

Have a lovely and restful Easter holidays.

Spring Week 10


This week Puffin class worked hard on creating their very own torches. The aim was to design and create the prototype for a new torch that they could use to walk a pet at night time. It was a challenging task, but we all had great fun and we all managed to create a working prototype.


Congratulations to Thomas for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 9

It has been a busy week for Puffin class this week. Not only was it science week but those of us who did not get the chance to do bikeability last week, did it on Monday and Thursday. It is safe to say that Puffin class are now pros on the road. The few of us who had already complete bikeability were fortunate enough to hear a talk from somebody who works at the dentists. 

Bikeability did not stop Puffin class from being role models to the school and helping others. Before going out for lunch, they were kind enough to come back in and help Year 4 with their learning in maths.


Congratulations to Alfie for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 8


This week has been a mixed and busy week for Puffin Class. With some of us taking part in bikeability on Wednesday and Thursday, developing our biking skills so that we can stay safe on the road.

 For World Book Day, we dressed up as our favourite book characters and learnt a poem by Joshua Seigal named 'Resolutions'. We spent the morning working hard to learn it and even managed to add in some actions for it. In the afternoon the whole school joined together in the hall to recite their class poem.


Congratulations to Arry for getting the Headteachers award this week.

Spring Week 7

This week in Puffin class we were lucky enough to have a STEM ambassador come in on Wednesday to help us with the ‘Go Construct K’nex Challenge’. The challenge was to build a model bulldozer. We worked in pairs to design and construct our models. After an hour, everyone had built a bulldozer all with a unique des. "It was so much fun and a great challenge!" FjC "It was confusing at times but we worked as a pair and got pat it" RB


Congratulations to Imogen for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 6

This week in Puffin Class, as a part of our topic on Vikings, we designed and made our very own Viking brooches. We looked at a range of different jewellery to help inspire our designs. Overall we were really happy with the outcome even if we did find it at times a bit tricky. "Creating our designs with the string made it really hard to bend it the way we wanted it so it meant we were pretty limited what we could do. But I really liked making it as it was fun and it gave yourself a challenge." ED


Congratulations to Phyllis for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 5

This week Puffin Class were looking at emotions and how we might react to different scenarios in PSHE. We read the scenarios and then had a chance to act out the events leading up to the event and the actions after, to better understand why somebody might have had the reaction that they had.

We continued to practice our chords on the ukuleles in our music lessons with Joe, our musical skills are really starting to show. "It's really fun because when we get to play, it makes me feel like I can play any instrument like the drums" ED. "I think it's pretty good, even if some parts are hard to do" MW. "They're really fun and it expands our learning and skills" SDS. 

The week ended with a free write in English, where we created our own version of an M&S advert, where we tried to sell Heinz ketchup. Some of our ads were rather quite convincing.


Congratulations to Chris for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 4

This week Puffin Class has been busy working hard in all subjects.

In maths we have been looking at fractions and how we would multiply unit and non-unit fractions by an integer. 

In English we were placing ourselves in the mindset of Gunnar from 'Viking Boy', writing diary entries from his point of view. 

We have been fortunate enough to be having Ukulele lessons with Joe on a Thursday, who has been teaching us a range of different songs on the ukuleles; including, 'Barbie Girl' and 'Shake it off'.  

We rounded off the week with some relaxing class yoga to help wind down after a busy week full of learning.


Congratulations to Kaitlyn for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 3

This week has been an exciting week for Puffin Class.

On Wednesday, we visited Colchester Castle (along with Owl Class) to extend  our learning about Romans in Britain, from last term. We had a busy day full of different activities and a tour of the foundations of the original temple from AD54. We learnt lots about what life was like for the Celts living in Colchester when the Romans arrived, building a small scale roundhouse and Roman villa to explore what their houses might've been like. Overall, we had a really interesting day, even if most of us did fall asleep on the coach home!

Congratulations to Romeo W for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 2

This week Puffin Class continued with their hard work and had another successful week.

In science, we learnt about irreversible / reversible changes and were fortunate enough to witness a handful of experiments that showcased this first hand.

In topic, we immersed ourselves into Viking life and explored a range of artefacts. We discussed what we thought the artefacts were and then decided as a class what we thought it might be like to live during Viking times. On the whole, we did not think it would be very nice to have lived back then.


Congratulations to Romeo B for getting the Headteachers award this week!

Spring Week 1 

Puffin class started off the Spring term with a bang. Amongst meeting and getting to know their new teacher, they also hit the ground running and were sthard straight away.

In English, we learnt about and wrote our own Haiku poems and it seems that we have some budding poets on our hands.

In science, we investigated how we might separate different materials from each other and the specific methods we could use. 


Congratulations to Emily, Frankie, James, Sophia, and Ruby for their success at the swimming gala!

Autumn Week 15

This week the class have impressed us with excellent pieces of narrative writing based on the video clip - Home Sweet Home. We even shared these with Mrs McFarlane, who was very impressed! The children also created a Snowman Trail for the rest of the school to enjoy and they should be really proud of all their efforts and contributions with this. We hope they have a fantastic break and look forward to meeting their new teacher Miss Nash in January.


Thank you for all the kind and generous Christmas gifts and wishes.


Mrs Bush, Mrs Blake, Mrs Renton and Miss Martin-Smith

Autumn Week 14

This half term Puffin class have been learning a cheerleading routine, we had the pleasure on Thursday to show the parents what we have learnt.

In science we have been investigating absorbency, for this we used three different types of nappies, to make it a fair test we used the same amount of water, the class found out which nappy was the most absorbent.

Autumn Week 13

In DT this week we have enjoyed preparing, cooking and taste testing fajitas. Well done to all our budding chefs.

On Wednesday we had a fantastic afternoon in Colchester watching a production of Peter and the Wolf.

Congratulations to Danylo for achieving the Head Teacher's award this week.

Autumn Week 9

In Maths this week, we have represented and identified square and cubed numbers. We used a pictorial approach to represent square numbers and concrete with cubed numbers (using cubes- see photo). 

Congratulations to Francesca for achieving the Head Teacher's award this week!

Autumn Week 7 

Over the last few weeks in Art, we have been using various skills whilst analysing and designing our own Roman suns (including using a compass). After our designs were complete, we lightly traced their designs onto the fabric with our pencil. We they used the wax resist technique and washed over this with fabric dye. The finished pieces turned out beautifully and the children were very proud of their designs.

Ruby- I’m proud of how everyone’s turned out and how mine looked very bright and neat. It was a fun activity.

Francesca- I thought mine was really effective because I was inspired by the Roman sun designs and also the colours of a sunset

Autumn Week 6

This week in Science, we have been investigating water resistance. We learnt some new vocabulary including the word streamlined. We were tasked to make two shapes out of plasticine- one which would fall slowly through the water (more water resistance) and one which would fall faster through water (less water resistance). We tested both shapes and discussed if our prediction had been correct or not. There was lots of discussion and fun!

Congratulations to James and Frankie for achieving the Head Teacher's Award this week!

Autumn Week 5

I am so proud of Puffin class with their Harvest performance. They sung 'I want to Grow Beans' including air guitar actions! Well done!

Congratulations to Evelyn and Alfie for achieving the Head Teacher's award this week!

Autumn Week 4

Puffin Class have been developing their football skills in PE including learning to pass the ball correctly and accurately. In gymnastics on Wednesdays with Kate, they have been working in pairs and fours to create counter balances on the mats and on the apparatus. 

Autumn Week 3

n English this week, we wrote our own free-verse poems inspired by The Magic Box. I was really impressed with the children's imagination and their beautiful imagery. See some examples below! 

Sophia and Conor- We had an amazing time at the BMX workshop! We could practice tricks that Mike taught us. (Conor) My favourite trick was standing up on the bike. We did these tricks in 'the trick zone'. We also rode over ramps and around cones. (Sophia) I overcame a fear even though I was really nervous.

Congratulations to Sophia and Emily for achieving the Head Teacher's award this week!

Autumn Week 2

In science this week, we investigated various forces and learnt a new word- buoyancy. In History, we looked at Roman artefacts, asking questions and making assumptions about them.

It was lovely to meet more of the parents on Tuesday. If you were unable to attend, I have uploaded the presentation on the Curriculum page along with the Homework help prompt sheets.

Congratulations to Freddie for achieving the Head Teacher's award and to Max for achieving it last week!

Autumn Week 1